Tuesday, May 26, 2009

This Will For Sure Embarrass Them When Theyre In High School

Romeo and Juliet....Barbie and Ken...Fred and Wilma...Tim and Faith....Tom and Katie...Landon and Cali....

Cali, you told Landon that you were going to marry him about 3 years ago, when ya'll were two. Landon accepted and it has been a whirl wind preschool romance ever since.....
You two are quite mature for your ages being that you have already discussed topics such as children, pets and where you will live. I'm so happy to hear that I will be blessed with 4 grandchildren, I'm not so happy about you naming 2 of them Levi and Tex, but hopefully in 20 years you will change your minds. I also have been informed by Landon that he is going to buy his future wife 2 chihuahuas. And that they would like to live in a trailer behind either of their parents homes. But just recently Landon upgraded their housing status and said he would like to make a home for him and Cali in good, ole Rockwall Ranch....how sweet. haha! And if I remember correctly, Landon gave Cali her engagement ring out of a quarter machine on her 4th birthday at the bowling alley. Does my son know romance or what?!

It has been hilarious seeing these two precious kids plan for "wedded bliss". I would be all too lucky to get sweet Cali as my daughter in law....Cant wait to see what these two kids think of each other in high school!

1 comment:

Melanie Mueller said...

Such cuties! At least we know that no matter what happens, Landon has good taste!