Sunday, February 1, 2009

10 Random Things about Luke Hunter

1. I love your chubby little rear and your short, chunky legs....nothing can get a smile on my face faster than seeing you take off in your birthday suit when we get ready for bath time.

2. Your run is a mix of a crazed lobster and the Tasmanian devil. I cannot figure it out, but its hilarious.

3. At bedtime, I will tell you its time to "go rock" and you will immediately go sit in your rocking chair and wait for me to rock you to sleep. You love to rock with your momma.

4. You love boots. And not just your own boots, you're always tromping around in your daddy or Landon's boots.

5. Your voice is kinda raspy, but still has that baby sound. And when you really get to jabbering you sound like a mix between an old German man and a Japanese nail lady....

6. You love chips... especially Cheetos! And you will raid the pantry until you find a bag of chips to munch on.

7. You are the Master of all Fit Throwers. All other 2 year olds should bow down to you because you take the cake, buddy. I have had people step aside in mass groups and stare/giggle as I haul you out of Wal-Mart kicking and screaming.

8.You have an endless amount of kisses always ready for me. All I need to do is pucker my lips and you are smacking one on me. I love it!

9. You are a mommas boy and I love it.

10. Your pick your nose constantly and even worse...sometimes you eat it. Ick! Boys! Any tips on how to remedy habitual nose picking?

1 comment:

Lynn said...

Cute post! Happy belated Birthday Lukie!